black blacker blackiest
this game is supposed to be way elite (duh we only release way elite games).
anyway i'm sure its worth checking out
its not some racist game. its not about killing gangstah's. if you like
that, you might wanna play that mad elite skilled rapper half dollar's
ooeooooeooe i wanna do some elite political stuff in here too!
wait we already did that before :(
remember our cool burning flag? YES WE ARE FOR A FREE PALESTINE
bet all you americans will go: OEOOOWWW NOOOO OMG OMG!!!!#@$@$@
and you all start burning theh dagger flag.buwhaahhaha, we are so funneh
make love not war.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
He who would sacrifice liberty for safety deserves neither.
enough stuff to think about kiddos.
peace out.