mR nOv08
NukeThis presents!
* Care for your hamsters and discover what their talents are:
Bond with your hamsters and train them to discover their skills
* Train your hamsters in fun activities and watch them progress
through different levels: including hamsters coming down with
parachutes, doing a bowling contest, running around a maze and
entering fashion shows
* Discover your hamsters funny and unexpected behaviours: Watch
their funny facial expressions and animations when coming down in
their parachutes
* Send your newborn hamster to the Petz Nursery game and vice versa:
Breed 2 funny hamsters to have an even funnier baby hamster and use
wireless to send the newborn to the Petz Nursery
Train your hamsters in goofy activities and turn them into Super Stars:
care for them, discover their personality and skills, train them in a
variety of funny and wacky activities.