E X i M i U S
Think Logic Trainer
RELEASE DATE .............. ................ 2008-12-05
STREET DATE ............... ................ 2008-10-03
PLATFORM .................. ............... NiNTENDO DS
PUBLiSHER ................. ................. DTP YOUNG
REGiON .................... .................... EUROPE
LANGUAGES ................. ................... MULTi 8
FiLENAME .................. .................. XMS-TLTE
SiZE ...................... ................... 64 MBiT
SAVE TYPE ................. ........... EEPROM 512 KBiT
You will notice that the rom serial is NTR-YTLP-EUR, what is
the same code as the previous sUppLeX's release. Error or not
from publishers? We don't know. But this time, it's in multi8.
Think: Logik Trainer is a Nintendo DS port of a popular German
board game. It is a kind of mental training game which trains
different abilities like language, math, spatial awareness,
memory, imaginative and reasoning power. There is also a
multiplayer option. The game design is similar to the Nintendo
Brain Game series.
If you can dump ( console ) games and have access to pre-retail
titles, please contact us ! We are also looking for 100 Mbits+
sites ( non-colo / leased sites ).
Contact us at the following electronic mail address
And do not ask for files or request releases!
[ EXiMiUS ] [ 2oo8 ]
[ Driven to bring excellance to the scene ]