Game Title....: National Geographic Challenge
Language......: English
Type..........: Quiz
Releasedate...: MAY 2011
Discs.........: 1 DVD
Protection....: -
Game Notes:
National Geographic Challenge comes with the imprimatur of one of the
world's oldest and most respected scientific publications in a bid to
make planetary exploration both educational and fun.
On the video game side, the game was developed by Gusto Games (which
put together John Daly's ProStroke Golf, among others) which has
managed to create a gaming experience that also makes use of the
massive video and knowledge libraries of National Geographic
National Geographic Challenge features both single player and
multiplayer Quiz games to test and grow the players' knowledge of
their world. It also comes with a competitive two-player Puzzle
Battle to pit wits.
For the younger player (and maybe the more mature) there are also
richly detailed Jigsaws to complete. This features alongside a set of
puzzle-form mini-games.
At the heart of the experience is Explorer mode' in which up to four
players compete to claim territories on the planet. Unlike Risk
however, this global domination is achieved by correctly answering
questions as well as competing in the puzzle based mini-games.
1. Unpack
2. Mount
3. Install
3. Play