Zieg Heil
Title: Android App UI Design with Adobe Photoshop and Material Design
Publisher: Packt
Size: 1.6G (1676524275 B)
Files: 7F
Date: 03/19/2020
Course #: 9781800204539
Type: N/A
Published: 31 Jan 2020
Modified: N/A
URL: www.packtpub.com/business-other/android-app-ui-design-with-adobe-photoshop-and-material-design-video
Author: N/A
Duration: 5 hours 32 minutes
Skill: N/A
Exer/Code: [X]
Unpack that shit, run that shit
Of course we know its sieg heil, thats how fucking rebelious we are!
Designing sleek Android apps using Google s Material Design
system is no joke. To design seamless Android app user
interfaces, you need to be well-versed with the sizes,
spacing, and metrics, and ensure that the UI design must be easy to
translate into coded Android apps. This course helps you
understand which template size to start with and show you how to
convert DP and SP Material Design units to pixels (px). You will
learn how to theme your app using the Material Design color
system and explore specs, sizes, and typographic grids in
Material Design. Finally, you will generate coded style guides for
your Android developers and design six Android app screen UIs for a
medical app using Photoshop. The course will also show you how to
extract all your assets using Photoshop and design a
real-world app using Photoshop artboards.