Fix Information: This fix is for users who have problems with settings getting saved properly. Its a problem even the bought edition has. If you dont have problems, then you dont need this fix. Remember: When youre at the settings menu, then use ESC to quit and save the settings. Going back wont save it. Nukers Information: We noticed our release was nuked a few places for using stolen public available values.vb codes. Lets point out that, even if our dll has the very same values, then anyone can get these values and the values are still required to emulate the ubiorbit api calls. The data values are transfered via IPC, as we didnt use any kind of server emulation at all and therefore cant be compared to the public server emulator out there. Its sad that there are people out there, who only focus on make you look bad, when you actually have accomplished something of a larger scale. If the scene is based on finding holes in everything, then you can start nuking Command and Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight for using exact same method as the public server emulation release, SecuROM cracks with emulated vm calls, Steam function emulation and RELOADEDs new Solidshield method. We didnt mention RELOADED, to make them look bad, but to give people insight in, that alternative routes needs to be found to get around the protections these days. Things are not getting easier these days, as publishers like EA and Ubisoft, have already begun to release games which require you to be online when you play. You can bet more will jump on that gameplay only online wagon. Firms like Capcom, Square Enix Eidos, THQ, SEGA and Activision has already shown interest in doing so. Maybe the same people who bitch that we used the values.vb codes from the public server release, should at least prove their accusations. Keep in mind, the values are required for the game to function properly and the values are always the same, because they never change. What reason will you use, when we pre the next Ubisoft game?
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GZ SKIDROW das ihr es geschafft habt den Emu in eine dll zu packen, dafür sollte es n scene kick geben
Mal sehen ob rld oder rzr noch was bringt, skidrow hats nicht drauf
ob es mal nicht anders geht? irgendwoher müssen die fehlenden daten doch kommen. könn die sich ja schließlich nicht aus den fingern ziehen. wenn du dir was ziehst und dir fehlen informationen (beispielsweise n rar archiv) dann holst du dir die daten doch auch nochmal irgendwo her und schreibst dir das archiv net mit nem hexeditor oder in assembler bzw. maschinensprache.
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