Title: NRA Gun Club
Released: 09/30/06
Platform: PS2
Source: DVD
Region: NTSC
Files: **x50mb
HTTP: http://ps2.ign.com/objects/826/826191.html
Gun Club is a non-violent arcade shooter for the PlayStataion�2 computer
entertainment system. This non-violent target shooter allows gamers to enter
the shooting range, steady their nerves, and take aim at the bull s-eye.
Experience the traditional 1st person shooter from a different perspective;
Gun Club is void of blood and violence.
The game puts over one hundred faithfully recreated firearms in the hands of
the player who can try his or her skill in a wide range of immersive 3D practice
environments, from indoor ranges with paper bull s eyes, to hillsides with targets
or flying sporting clays. A certification mode challenges would-be sharpshooters
skills, and detailed descriptions and information for every firearm make it a
must-have for gun collectors and enthusiasts.
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