Greets To the lamefuck faggots who wanted to release this
This is to all of you fuckin haters on GBAtemp, you guys are bitches,
you know what? you dont phase me, ill pop a glock in your mouth and
make a brain slushie. Okay cuz you hater bitches? youre just like jealous
of me. Im just saying. Because 1: Im more pretty than you. I have more
friends. More people like me. I have more fans. And all that
shit. I cant think of anything else right now because im brain dead and its
like 10:19 in the morning, i just woke up like midnight? OK, but its early in
the morning so i cant think of anything. But, haters... stop hatin on me. Youre
just jelly cuz im perfect and youre not. Nobody else can be this pretty
with no makeup on... none what so ever.
Oh and btw i did get my lip pierced. Heres the hole (). My mum made me take it
out cuz im gettin new ones which are going to be closer in. So yeah,
but erm, just saying stop hating on me. Im just a normal girl whos perfect
in every way and youre just jealous. Why am i making all these gestures?
Im weird, i know that, but you guys are just jelly cuz i have a perfect
boyfriend, and you guys are just jealous cuz i have 3, yeah. Jelly much ?, id just shut your mouths before you make a fool of yourselves again..
Oh! and you guys? and my fans? Please hate on the haters. But, um, And im not
9 im 11. And erm, i dont consider myself scene or emo. Thats just something i
put on my videos and i just say im that just so people will, can like, be
like oHH, cuz if i show what i am, people will be like............ cuz im
not scene, im not emo, im nothing. I dont even choose labels, i dooont! i
do not. And if you guys consider and begin like label me and shit then you
guys are the actual posers and im not a poser.
How can i be a poser being myself? so yeah, and dont try and make smart
comments at me because i got like a shit load of come backs. So and if you
hate me, you know what? suck my non-existing penis, ok? Just suck it, get
AiDS and die! You know what? Fist yourself to youre little bestiality
magazines, get a paper cut on your fucking clit or dick and then i hope the
bitch falls off, k. Get AiDs and die. Suck a dick and die. Im back bitches,
you cant stop me okay? so yeah, you cant stop me.
B L O O D _ O N _ T H E _ D A N C E _ F L O O R
Squeal like a pig boy cuz you dun goofed a good dump this time! but youre
still bunch of lying no good punks, and i know who its coming from? because
I back traced it! Iron Chefz have been reported to the cyber police.
Now please die.
If i ever see one of you faggots in the street again the consequences will
never be the same!
to all my fans and everyone else enjoy this
Fuck GBATemp, its a revenue stream and youre a lamefuck for thinking otherwise.