RB-DLC brings you
Rock Band DLC song update for 2010-06-15
Ozzy Osbourne Pack 01:
"Crazy Babies"
"Diggin' Me Down"
"I Don't Wanna Stop"
"Let Me Hear You Scream"
"No More Tears"
"Soul Sucker"
Full details at: http://www.rockband.com/forums/showthread.php?t=192114
All tracks have been unlocked to full version and are verified to show up
in the quickplay track list.
To install, copy the files to the following folder on your JTAG hacked
Xbox 360 storage device:
Partition 3:/00000000000000000/45410829/00000002
Also be sure to have the newest TU (Title Update) installed or else you won't
be able to play all the songs.
TU's can be downloaded from http://xbuc.clanvids.net/ and must be placed in the
Cache folder of Partition 3.
Welcome to our 200th release, a great one at that. OZZY WOO!!!
During this momentus occasion we'd like to shout out to the other DLC
groups, XBLAplus and even FYK.
We also would like to say FUCK YOU to the repacking forum/torrent faggots.
The babies that cry when we don't release the second they want us to, and when
we do, just repack our shit like we won't notice.
Donations for further content updates are
no longer necessary, the email address has
been disabled. Thanks to all who donated
in the past.