Title: Super_Swing_Golf_PAL_WII-MOMENT
Date: 18/08/08
System: WII
Region: PAL
Language: ENG
Super Swing Golf is the party golf game for virtual golfers everywhere.
Using the Wii Remote, Super Swing Golf allows players to take actual
golf swings on 14 unique 18 hole fantasy golf courses. There is a
multiplayer Party mode featuring games like Darts and Longest Drive
designed specifically to get players together for a fun, competitive
golf game in the living room. The courses include a wide array of
themes and challenges with environments as diverse as a tropical
island, a scorching desert and even on ice! You can accessorise and
equip your character with different outfits, clubs, and balls. You can
also play and earn Pang Points to spend on better items. The more you
advance in the game, the more items become available!
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