TITLE: Snobow Kids 2
(C): Atlus/Racdym
SIZE: 128 mbits
FORMAT: Doctor V64
DATE: 24-02-99
Another Jap ROM from your fastest Jap ROM supplier from Far East.
This game is just like the first generation but has way better
2nd generation graphics. Nothing much to say about this game as most
of you have already played the first generation one.
An advice to people who buy videogames product from websites.
There are many websites that sells videogames and claims to be some big
companies, but some of them are not even registered as a company. Many
have received money from customers and has not send out the goods. Most
of these companies provide very good service and very cheap prices when
they first started and when the business get bigger and got more money
in hand from customers, they simply close down their operation.
Customers will usually have no way of tracing them as some of the
company are not even registered. My advice for end-users is to make
sure you check out who you are dealing with before sending them money.
Usually companies that can be trusted have address on their website and
allows customers to visit them.
How to check the company?
If you have friends staying in the region ask them to check the telephone
company and see if the telephone number and company name matched. Most
conman has telephone number registered to personal name rather than
company. If you don't have a friend staying in the region, just call
your local long distance phone company directory and ask for directory
assistant for the country that the company is in. Usually, there will
be no charge if the company name cannot to found!
So be careful, providing good service and cheap prices does not
mean that the company can be trusted.
v64.com is expanding to Gameboy Color and Dreamcast, please let me
know if you have any news or rumors from the scene that is not updated
on http://www.v64.com.
I am looking for FTP sites to leech, please contact me if you have a site
Thxs in advance!
Greetings: (In No Order Of Preference)
Blackbag, Crazy Nation, Hitsquad, NIL, NDT, NBC
_Silver_, Wild_Fire, Titanik, NIL, Loom, Fractal, Silo, Datawiz,
Stumble, Jovis, Ste, Sted, Ego_UK, Saska, ^Zero^, King_TLF, LaC,
Madeira-G, JL_Picard, Locke_, Sted, Sispeo, Twinsen, poyZ!, EQ
WT_Riker, Count0, ^TuFF and you