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MM0#M0MM000M00M0MMMQN0' MKN "M~^ - ^MM0g,,
~0M000MM0N#0#M^r'Proudly Present:
Star Wars Empire At War - Movies Addon
*'__pN0F~ ^"0#q_ ~s,
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$^ g#M^ Date: Mar. '06 Type: Addon ~MQg -g
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Set a few years before the events of A New Hope, the game lets players
rewrite history as well as experience the aftermath of Revenge of the Sith,
the creation of the Rebel Alliance, and Darth Vader's rise to power.
The game features beautifully rendered land and space battles set on
memorable planets such as Hoth, Tatooine and Dagobah as well as
never-before-seen environments taken directly from the Star Wars films
and expanded universe novels. In the game, players can choose to join
either the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire, building and setting up
tactical forces that can be unleashed on the enemy in real-time 3D. All of
the gameplay and action within Star Wars Empire at War is persistent,
meaning that strategic and tactical elements from previous events will
have a permanent effect on the galaxy.
1. Unzip/UNRAR to \GameData\Data
2. Start the game as usual, with the movies to enjoy too (yes, i know company
logos are there)
Leech this at your own risk, i did this addon to make a complete gamerip from
TECHNiC's great work. I dont care to hear any whining.
Groups Notes:
Those few who still appreciate rips, appreciate our releases.
Remember: There's too much you don't know to form a valid opinion.
, #0 #MM000000M0N0@~~ To all those keeping a ^~M0MMMN000NM008 ^M0 :
S #& : Q00#~ "000NS struggling scene alive. ~00#M^ ~M00& 1 Q# (
g 4 - 400 N0Mp j#08 , #06 ~& ^
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! 00 ^r ~MNNg, wQN0M~ -\ B# , +
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g M0g N#f r
"\ "M&g The rip scene, is it all just a MYTH ? pNM^_9
*n ~00g gNM~ x^
9 _ "0g, _00~ ~ -
", "MMmv CLASS vs MYTH w0MM~ x{~
Those were the days... -= ^