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Proudly Presents
Aladdin Win 95 (c) Virgin
Supplied by Mad Turnip Release date Dec. 14th, 1996
Cracked by N/A Protection None
Packaged by Mad Turnip Game type Platform
Stripped by N/A Size 02 x 1.44
Min. Req's W95, 486dx2/66Mhz, 05MB HD Space, 8MB Ram, Mouse.
This kewl platform game was released a very long time ago for DOS, Virgin
have finally got around to converting it to Windows 95, and because its
kewl, Hybrid brings it to you.
CD-Rip info:
Its all here baby boo.
Run the our kewl installer
Group greets:
Razor 1911, Reflux, Dynasty, DOD and a small percent of PSG
Pers greets:
Piston, Hoson, Drake, Agony, Mindbender, Shadow Master, Tazman,
Hmphood, Manhunter, Grifter, Golomufu, Menion, Snp-Mav, Punisher.
Teacher, Animal, Dogfriend, Zeus, CyberPhreak.
Hybrid News:
Please fill in the VOTE.txt file included in the first disk, and return
it to us.
There was these three queers (Lets for the sake of arguement call them
Q-Ball, Cyberphreak and Shadow Master) - it was a Saturday night and they
were wondering what to do.
<Q-Ball> I know lets rent some videos and have an evening by the TV
<CyberPhreak> Hmm, OK - Lets get Die Hard, I think Bruce Willis is dead
<Q-Ball> Yes, lets also get Demolition Man, I hear Stallone shows
his bottom.
<Shadow Master> Brillant idea! Lets get Aladdin too!
<Cyberphreak > No, Shadow Master, choose a video like everyone else.
Official Hybrid Membership
Agony, Animal, Angel Face, Cyber, Dogfriend, Drake, Dumdi, Eci, Golomufu,
Grifter, Hot Tuna, Jammer, Le Vey, MindBender, Mad Turnip, Mr.Terry,
Netra, Nuremberg, Phoenix, Replicator, Teacher, and Violator.
The Official Hybrid couriers
Netcoordinator: AGONY
Fronthead, Hurricane & Nine
Axxxxxx Lxxxxx WHQ (EC)
Sxxxxxx Dxxx EHQ (EC)
Axxxxx Dist (EC)
Nxxxx Dist (US)
How to get in touch with us:
e-mail:busted*cops*net [new one soon]
irc: #hybrid
mail: Hybrid
Kyrkog. 40, E-BOX 197
Today's wise quote:
"Fear the Breed!"