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Proudly Presents
Rex Blade (C) Simon & Schuster Interactive
Supplied by Grifter Release date Dec 5th, 1996
Cracked by N/A Protection Magnum
Packaged by Grifter Game type Doom Clone
Stripped by Grifter Size 4 * 1.44
Min. Req's Pentium 75, 16MB RAM.
Score yet another great title for the Hybrid team as we continue our
weekend reign in full force. Today we bring you Rex Blade, a futur-
istic 3D shoot'em-up in the best traditions of the nine-thousand other
Doom rip-off artists you see every Christmas season. Bah, humbug.
By the thirty-fifth century, mankind had developed an almost divine
technology to create cyborgs so human-like, that in time they rebelled
against society with the sole purpose of conquering the world, as you'll
find the more sophisticated cyborgs often do. After a grueling battle,
mankind emerged victorious - and a tad more cautious of the fleet of
vicious and caniving cybernetic organisms which they had created.
And so, with little choice left, they chose to act in the most logical
fashion the circumstances permitted: They banished the cyborgs to a
distant star system via a transdimentional teleporter. Surprisingly,
the cyborg's took it quite well. Until now. It is five-hundred years
later, and the cyborgs are hell of pissed off at Mother Earth. In
one fell Freudian swoop, they launch a crippling attack on the land
which bore them.
Enter Rex Blade, an entity which Simon and Schuster describe as half
man, half cyborg. Please note that the definition of cyborg is a being
which consists half of man, and half of machine. Does this then make
Rex, in actuality, seventy-five percent man, twenty-five percent
machine? And, if so, how in the hell does he expect to stand a chance
against all those nasty fifty-fifty'ers? Find out the answers to these
questions and more as The Battle Begins...
Some Box-Hype:
Your mission: Teleport to cyborg worlds and eliminate all intelligent
life systems - before they destroy mankind forever!
Your arsenal: The most massive ever! Including smart weapons such as
cyber blades, alien disrupters, laser cross-bows, heavy blasters and
double blasters!
Your challenges: Hack into cyborg computers and create your own
programs! Cross-train your reflexes by playing virtual arcade-style
video games!
Your worlds: You must demolish all life systems on three worlds, each
consisting of three levels (Where have I heard that before?). Each
world has a different technological theme, such as robotics, physics,
etc. The Battle Begins... Now!
- Grifter
CD-Rip info:
Nothing has been ripped from this game! Enjoy!
Decompress and run setsound.exe to configure. Rex.bat to run.
Group greets:
Paradigm, Prestige, Razor 1911.
Special greets to the following:
Cyber Angel, Golomufu, Techno Rave, Krakhed, The Speed Racer, Dogfriend,
Holybeast, Hoson, Hemp Hoodlum.
Hybrid news:
No breaking news at this time...
Official Hybrid Membership
Agony, Animal, Angel Face, Cyber
Dogfriend, Drake, Dumdi, Eci, Golomufu, Grifter,
Hot Tuna, Jammer, Le Vey, MindBender, Mad Turnip, Mr.Terry, Netra
Nuremberg, Phoenix, Replicator, Teacher, and Violator.
The Official Hybrid couriers
Netcoordinator: AGONY
Fronthead, Hurricane & Nine
Axxxxxx Lxxxxx WHQ (EC)
Exxx Exxxxx EHQ (EC)
Lemon Depository FTP Site (US)
Melcene FTP Site (EC)
How to get in touch with us:
e-mail:busted*cops*net [new one soon]
irc: #hybrid
mail: Hybrid
Kyrkog. 40, E-BOX 197