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Proudly Presents
Team F1 (c) Electronic Arts
Supplied by Animal & Dogfriend Release date Oct. 23th, 1996
Cracked by N/A Protection N/A
Packaged by Animal & Dogfriend Game type F1 Manager
Stripped by Drake & Dogfriend Size 39 x 1.44
Min. Req's Dos, 486dx2/66Mhz, 80MB HD Space, 8MB Ram, Mouse.
Team F1 is the most realistic simulation of running a Grand Prix team.
Featuring stagging depth and enormous attention to detail, Team F1 gives
you complete control over every aspect of the finance, sponsorship,
mechanics, engineers, designers, pitcrew, car, drivers, and race strategy.
Team morale, fitness, and commitment is in your hands, it is so much more
than just getting the fastest car.
CD-Rip info:
This sucker was a bitch to rip. We have been working on it for almost 2
days. We had to rip all the big resource files, and remove the none-
needed stuff, and then link it all together again.
Alot of animation files, and all commentary have been ripped out.
And we asure you that this game is 100% working, since we have played
a whole season through.
Run our cool install program, and away you go.
After installing. Use sndsetup.exe to configure your soundcard.
Run F1.bat to play.
When you start a new game, you have to remember to turn the commentary
OFF!! since it have been removed. You do that by clicking your right
mouse-button when you are in the main office. And then choose options.
Group greets:
Paradigm, Razor 1911, 87.5% of Prestige, Illusion and Dynasty.
Pers greets:
Hoson, Mad Turnip, Drake, Agony, Shadow Master, Tazman, Hannibal, Hmphood,
Holybeast, Menion, Snoop.
Hybrid news:
We now have a small and effective Hybrid spreading team, which will hold
a maximum of 5 members. Please don't bug us on IRC about being a courier,
we'll find you if you're elite. Check out 'HBDSPREA.NFO' for info.
Official Hybrid Membership
Agony, Animal, Angel Face, Cyber, Dogfriend, Drake, Eci, Jammer,
Le Vey, MindBender, Mad Turnip, Mr.Terry, Netra, Nuremberg, Phoenix,
Replicator, Teacher, and Violator.
The Official Hybrid couriers
Netcoordinator: AGONY
Fronthead, Hurricane & Nine
Axxxxxx Lxxxxx WHQ (EC)
Exxx Exxxxx EHQ (EC)
Lemon Depository FTP Site (US)
Melcene FTP Site (EC)
How to get in touch with us:
e-mail:busted*cops*net [new one soon]
irc: #hybrid
mail: Hybrid
Kyrkog. 40, E-BOX 197
Today's wise quote:
"No one does it better!"