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$' .s$$$$$$` $' .s$$P' $' $' `Y$$s.'$
Proudly Presents
Trophy Bass 2 (c) Sierra
Supplied by Mad Turnip Release date Dec. 28th, 1996
Cracked by Mad Turnip Protection CD CHECK
Packaged by Mad Turnip Game type Fishing
Stripped by Mad Turnip Size 46x 1.44
Min. Req's W95, DX?,164megs HD, 8megs Ram and fishing skill
Cast out, hook a fish, reel in, weigh it! God this game rules!
CD-Rip info:
Well this game has been around in USA for sometime, but only just arrived
to the shores of Europe.
Due, to the large resource file, no other group has been able to bring it
to you, under the 50 disk limit - but step forward Hybrid, the 32 megs of
large WAV files hidden in the resource file have been killed, thus
allowing this game, to be brought to you, under the disk limit!
The video tutorial & help files, were also asked to `do one`
Run our installer, and then run the .exe
Group greets:
Greets to Razor, Prestige & Reflux
Pers greets:
Greets to : Shadow Master, Prozac, Animal, Dogfriend, Phoenix, Hoson,
Agony, ECI, Nine.
Hybrid News:
Support the breed at http://www.hybreed.com, it's currently under const-
ruction but have patience.
Don`t forget to grab the Hybrid Xmas Mag
Official Hybrid Membership
Agony, Animal, Angel Face, Cyber, Dogfriend, Drake, Eci, Golomufu, Grifter,
Hot Tuna, Id Mud, Jammer, Le Vey, MindBender, Mad Turnip, Mr.Terry,
Netra, Phoenix, Replicator, Teacher, and Violator.
The Official Hybrid couriers
Netcoordinator: AGONY
Fronthead, Hurricane & Nine
Axxxxxx Lxxxxx WHQ (EC)
Sxxxxxx Dxxx EHQ (EC)
Axxxxx Dist (EC)
Nxxxx Dist (US)
How to get in touch with us:
irc: #hybrid
the web: http://www.hybreed.com
snail-mail: Hybrid
Kyrkog. 40, E-BOX 197
Today's wise quote:
"Merry Xmas & a Great New Year"