X : Reunion continues to lead the way in offering players the ultimate open ended game play experience,
backed by an addictive storyline and intense combat/trading action. Utilising the 'X Reality' engine, X
pushes the graphical boundary to movie quality in-game graphics. TRADE in a new economy, dynamically
reactive in pricing relative to supply and demand. FIGHT individual dog fights or command full-scale
fleets against massive enemy armadas. Budding trade entrepreneurs can BUILD interconnecting factories to
create huge space borne complexes, to truly mass produce commodities. THINK through a professional
screen-written story line, to unravel the destiny of the galaxy.
1. You need Windows XP SP2
2. IDE PCI Controller Drivers MUST be OS STANDARD IDE PCI Drivers
3. Unpack file sfcure01 located into archive sfcuretool.rar,
launch file !setup.bat through MS-Dos prompt and reboot your box
4. If you have AMD64, then use sfcure_x64 instead
5. Mount Alcohol 120 image and install the game
6. Once installation is complete, launch sfdrup 2 update StarForce3 drivers and reboot box
7. Launch !start.bat through MS-Dos Prompt, file located in the tools.rar pack
8. Use StarForce Nightmare & launch sfn.exe
9. Select in this order: "Disable node", "Disable CD", "Disable node", and the IDE channel you use
for real CD/DVD units ( Pr. Slave, Sc. Master or Sc. Slave ), depending on how your IDE units
are connected
10. Launch the game and when asked use the serial
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