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MM0#M0MM000M00M0MMMQN0' MKN "M~^ - ^MM0g,,
~0M000MM0N#0#M^r'Proudly Present:
The Day After (c) G5 Software *Intro Outro Addon*
Supplied by VENGEANCE
*'__pN0F~ ^"0#q_ ~s,
:^ ,gMF' `MNq_ `
$^ g#M^ Date: June 2005 Type: ADDON ~MQg -g
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The Day After is a realtime strategy game combined with a turnbased global
tactical mode.
The game offers an alternative interpretation of the events that followed
the famous stalemate happened during the 1962 in Cuba. After the crises
broke out, two superpowers unleshed their nuclear arsenal on the world
trasforming the earth in a radioactive desert. The ones that manage to
survive the disaster realized that the most precious resources are pure
air and clean water. The remaining world citizens find themselves in a war
fighting for their survival.
- The Day Afterprovides an interesting mix of realtime battles and turnbase
global strategy mode, forcing players to use tactical troops movements
while managing resources and armies
- Radioactive contamination zones that have an influence upon military
equipement and troops.
- New types of weapons and equipement: helicopters, rockets, reconnaissance
troops and special anti-NCB troops able to clear radioactive areas.
- Detailed manual (more than 80 pages).
- All troops, weapons and vehicles will be presented in a virtual
1. UnZip/UnRAR to gamedir.
2. Run the game like normal.
Groups Notes:
Those few who still appreciate rips, appreciate our releases.
Remember: There's too much you don't know to form a valid opinion.
j0M0M0M0 We nod respectfully to the following groups: M000M0g
_0#MM0N0B N000N00
BN#^ 0M00MMM 00M0#0 ~N00
, #0 #MM000000M0N0@~~ and all those keeping a ^~M0MMMN000NM008 ^M0 :
S #& : Q00#~ "000NS struggling scene alive. ~00#M^ ~M00& 1 Q# (
g 4 - 400 N0Mp j#08 , #06 ~& ^
r ], - 40@ \ "#0&, _p0#' : #Mf
! 00 ^r ~MNNg, wQN0M~ -\ B# , +
, 40& ~^- #0f r
g M0g N#f r
"\ "M&g The rip scene, is it all just a MYTH ? pNM^_9
*n ~00g gNM~ x^
9 _ "0g, _00~ ~ -
", "MMmv CLASS vs MYTH w0MM~ x{~
Those were the days... -= ^