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Enjoy more from the first ever hunting and fishing
adventure game on the market. Each excursion is led
by the Cabela's Outdoor Adventures group and hunting
guide. New mini-map allows you to sense and see where
the game is hiding. Loc-On secures your aim over a
target for a sure kill in easy mode. Steady Aim
features a finer control over your aim-mimicking the
calm a hunter must achieve before squeezing the
trigger. Sprint into position to take your best shot.
Watch out for territorial bears protecting their
fishing spots as you angle for bass in pristine
streams. Hunt for over 10 species of deer, 22 big and
small game animals and 11 fish species.
1. Unzip/UNRAR to the \Coa\Movies\ folder
2. Start the game as usual, with the intro and outro to enjoy
Groups Notes:
Those few who still appreciate rips, appreciate our releases.
Remember: There's too much you don't know to form a valid opinion.
, #0 #MM000000M0N0@~~ To all those keeping a ^~M0MMMN000NM008 ^M0 :
S #& : Q00#~ "000NS struggling scene alive. ~00#M^ ~M00& 1 Q# (
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"\ "M&g The rip scene, is it all just a MYTH ? pNM^_9
*n ~00g gNM~ x^
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", "MMmv CLASS vs MYTH w0MM~ x{~
Those were the days... -= ^