Release date..: 03/19/2015
Language......: English
Type..........: ISO/Digital
Platform......: Mac
Genre.........: First Person
Engine........: Unity
Publisher.....: Lightning Man Media
Developer.....: Lightning Man Media
Protection....: none
Size..........: 19 x 15MB
Drag the Nyctophobia v1.0 app file into the Applications Folder.
- Arrow Keys (or W,A,S,D) -- Move
- Mouse -- Look Around
- F -- Pick up object
- M -- Show/Hide Map
- Escape -- Pause Menu (View Inventory, Large Map, Quit)
- Collect as many batteries as you can, doing so will boost your score
- There are several notes the Keeper has scattered throughout Lakeview Woods, collect them to boost your score
- Avoid touching the fires as they will burn you
- Avoid falling into deep water as you will drown
So finally.. just enjoy it!