>> Progress
V for Vendetta (2005)
Subtitles....: English
Audio Bitrate: 640kbps (AC3)
Video Bitrate: 7940kbps
Codec........: x264
Resolution...: 1280x528
Framerate....: 23.976
Source.......: HDDVD, VC-1
IMDb.........: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0434409/
Notes........: You know the deal by now.. CDDHD didnt crop
and used 2 audiotracks. So here you have better audio and
better image, in complaince with the rules they signed.
On a side note this movie has 2:40 ar on the hddvd so 1280x528
is the closest mod 16 resolution.
We will keep ocr'ing english subs, but supread really sucks so
hopefully when the subripping apps get better we can bring you
all subtitles on disc without having to ocr for hours manualy.