------------------------------------------------------> LiPSYNC PRESENTS !
TiTLE...: Rolling.Stones.Rock.Of.Ages.2009.DOCU.NTSC.MDVDR-LiPSYNC
Year....: 2009
URL.....: http://www.amazon.com/Rolling-Stones-Rock-Unauthorized-Story/dp/B002DYYGME
Rarz....: 68x50mb
Release.: Oct 2009
Street..: September 29, 2009
Genre...: Docu / Classic Rock
TECHNiCAL iNFORMATiONZ--------------------------------> Like, OMG, STATS !
Source..: R1
Company.: World Wide Ent
Runtime.: 47 Minutes
Audio...: 2.0 English
Video...: Untouched DVD5
Aspect..: 4:3
Subz....: None
Extras..: All included
PLOT iNFORMATiONZ-------------------------------------> READ 4 TRAXXX !
Originally part of the British Invasion, The Rolling Stones
rapidly ascended the heights of fame with a perfect combination
of hit singles and media-grabbing scandals. This unauthorized
biography charts the band s decades-spanning career, starting
from their 1962 debut and moving on to such notorieties as their
rivalry with the Beatles, the death of Brian Jones, and the
unending parade of drugs and groupies
RiPPER NOTEZ------------------------------------------> WE'RE AWESOME, KTHX !
Absolutely nothing to strip for the DVD9 encode. So, here's the full DVD9
if you are a fan, etc.
GROUP NOTEZ-------------------------------------------> CONTACT @ AOL.COM !
Welcome 2 the scene! Our sourcze r spokn for: RAZOR1911 so donut steal them.
U Know who u is. Theefs.
LiPSYNC Currently needs, and will always need: NOTHiNG
Totally rad nfo file by a totally rad guy. ThX homles!