TiTLE .......: Fantastic Mr. Fox AUDiO .......: VBR MP3 128kbps
SOURCE ......: PAL DVD RESOLUTiON ..: 640x352
GENRE .......: Animation SiZE ........: 697.97MB: 49x15MB
RUNTiME .....: 1h 23m 13s
RATiNG ......: 8.2/10 RELEASE .....: 25/2/2010
It is the story of one Mr. Fox and his wild-ways of hen heckling, turkey
taking and cider sipping, nocturnal, instinctive adventures. He has to put
his wild days behind him and do what fathers do best: be responsible. He
is too rebellious. He is too wild. He is going to try "just one more raid"
on the three nastiest, meanest farmers that are Boggis, Bunce and Bean. It
is a tale of crossing the line of family responsibilities and midnight
adventure and the friendships and awakenings of this country life that is
inhabited by Fantastic Mr. Fox and his friends.
iMDB .........: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0432283/
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