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title: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
source: disneyplus.com
size: 15.4 GiB
runtime: 02:06:31.209
resolution: 3840 x 2160
bitrate: 17,455 kb/s
audio: E-AC-3 @ 768 kb/s (5.1) (Dolby Atmos) / English
subs: English (forced), English (SDH), Czech, Danish, German, Greek, Spanish, Spanish
(Latinoamericano), Finnish, French, French (Canadien), Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brasil), Portuguese, Romanian,
Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Chinese (Hong Kong), Chinese (Traditional), Chinese
url: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9419884/
notes: this is the "IMAX Extended Format" version as offered on Disney+
IMAX is not really a tag as far as the rules are concerned but we'll just introduce it
now and watch from the sidelines if any nukewars start over this ;)
rule 8.7.1 covers the validity of this release
the SLOT releases have an aspect ratio of 2.39ish while these releases have 1.9ish
there is visibly more image in this version so it should be worth watching it, despite
the slightly lower bitrate compared to SLOTs source
we feel like none of the existing/established tags in the rules cover this case
WS, FS and OM don't really apply to this situation. OAR would be the more fitting for
the stuff SLOT released, so we'll go with IMAX and see how this plays out ;)
enjoy and sorry for the delay!