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Runtime: 98min
Bio-Zombie 1998 `''`+--...__ Genre: Zombie/Horror/comedy
orginal title `. `--. Language: Cantonese
Sun faa sau si `-.._ _' Subs: English
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0277605/ _,:`--..___
6.6/10 (557 votes) ____,,...,---'''
Video: 528x304 (1.74:1) 869kb/s 23.976fps Xvid
Audio: CBR 128kb/s 48000 Hz __,,..
Plot Summary:
Hong Kong's answer to George Romero's Dawn Of The Dead.
A soft drink tainted with bio-chemicals has the power to turn people
into flesh-eating zombies. A man drinks from the bottle, and
wanders into the night. As two young
VCD sellers (Woody Invincible and Crazy Bee)
from a local mall are returning to the mall with their bosses' car,
they hit the man. Unsure of what to do,
they bring the man back to the mall with them.
The mall closes, and soon there are zombies everywhere!
-..__, A small group of mall employees must bond together to
try and fight their way out. ___,,...,---'''