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d8b -[ Stepmonster.1993.AC3.DVDRip.XViD-JAG ]- d8b
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MOVIE INFO: `Y88. \_/ \_/,o888P'' IMDB INFO:
`Y88. \_,o88P''
Format: XviD `Y8bo88P' Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108223/
Bitrate: 615kbps `88P' Plot:
Audio Format: AC3 88. Todd Dougherty has an imagination driven by his
Audio Bitrate: 192kbps 88. comic book. So when he accuese his soon-to-be
Duration: 85 Min. `88 stepmother of being a monster, no one believes
Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Y8b, him. When neighbors start turning up dead,
Files: 50x15mb ]88] it becomes a race against time for Todd to
________________________________]88 stop this hideous, canivorous creature from
88888888888888888888888888888888p88 marrying his dad and ruining his life.
DATES: d8888o_
Street: 1/20/2004 d8P/ \_/`Y88oo_
Release: 8/20/2004 d88' \_/ \_/ "P8888oo._ _,oo8
Theatre: 1/12/1993 ,888888888888888888888888888ooooo.____ _____,8888888
_o88P' '''''''''''''''''''''''""YPPY8888888888888888888888PPP""''
____________________od88P' RECRUITMENT INFO: `'d8:''''''''\_/
8888888888888888888888' 100 Mbit+ Affil Sites 88[/
\d8b CONTACT INFO: 88[\_/
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