Overly focused, it's far from the time to rest now
Debates growin' 'bout who they think is the best now
Took a while, got the jokers out of the deck now
I'm holdin' all the cards and dudes wanna play chess now
We made a promise when we started this to pull the plug if we lost
the love, the love dont live here anymore.
What a ride, what a crazy journey!
If you had told us how the last few years would go, we wouldn't have
believed you. The skills learnt, the massive lows, the euphoric highs,
it couldn't have happened with a better group of people.
I couldn't be prouder of our team, not just for what was achieved
but knowing the right moment to call time. As sad as this is,
goodbye from team CAKES.
What more can i say?
We're supposed to be number one on everybody list
We'll see what happens when I no longer exist