Mr Deeds *DVD*
starring: Adam Sandler
Winona Ryder
John Turturro
Steve Buscemi
Jared Harris
genre: Comedy / Romance
imdb rating: 5.7/10 (2602 votes)
theatre date: 06/30/2002
DVD release: 10/22/2002
release date: 10/05/2002
resolution: 720x480
menu: yes
audio tracks: English 6ch, French 2ch
subtitles: English / French
length: 96 mins
other notes: no downsampling on movie
size: 88 x 50 MB
extra's: some
Mr. Deeds
Tagline: Don't let the fancy clothes
fool you.
Plot Outline: A sweet-natured, small-town
guy inherits a controlling stake in
a media conglonerate and begins to
do business his way.
Rls-notes: Packaged as a .img, Burn with
Prassi. Enjoy.
Contact Us: If you need to, you'll find
a way.
Thank-You, Please Come Agian
Greets go out to all the lovers of the DVD-R Scene
Personal greets to TcS and Dcn