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Why Did I Get Married
Upped By..........: Unknown
Release Date .....: 15/10/2007
Theater Date .....: 12/10/2007
DVD RLS Date .....: Unknown
DVD Runtime ......: 113 Min.
Language .........: English
IMDb URL..........: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0906108/
IMDB Rating ......: 4.7/10 (341 votes)
Video Codec ......: VCD (mpeg1)
Resolution .......: 352 x 240
Subtitles ........: Nil
File Size.........: 2CD X 39x15Mb
"Why Did I Get Married" is the big screen adaptation of Perry's stage
play about the trials of marriage, and what happens to one family
when a sexy young temptress arrives on the scene.