DVDMANiA proudly presents...
Movie Bitrate: Untouched
Audios: English AC3 5.1 & Hungarian AC3 5.1 & Turkish 2.0
Subtitles: English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Turkish.
Extras: Yes. (Re-encoded with cce 9 passes @ 3041 kbps)
Menus: Edited.
iMDB @ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1077368/
Lets talk about that stupid nukes without any proofs, about the uncalled
pgcs not removed (it can easy be confirmed with pgcedit), when the most of the DVDs are cleared and clean.
I know that sometimes sucks when we dont have the sources first, and to win we need to make propers.
All of our DVDs are legit and aren't stolen from p2p. If you need a proof just ask for it.
(Including this one.)
Enjoy this DVD, and if you are going to nuke please provide proofs and state clearing the problems,
otherwise just shut up and enjoy it.
Its free anyway.
A special thanks to our secret friend that keeps helping us. (thx m8)
Contact: @Find us.