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RLS. DATE....[ 27/03/08
DVD.STORE....[ 2008
SOURCE.......[ DVD
TiTLE......[ Perfect Hideout
YEAR.......[ 2008
GENRE......[ Action Thriller
COUNTRY....[ Germany
DiRECTOR...[ Stephen Manuel
CAST.......[ Billy Zane, Cristian Solime-
no, Melinda Y. Cohen, Ken Bo-
nes, Scarlett Sabet
ViDEO.BiTRATE.[ 943 kb/s
AUDiO.BiTRATE.[ Mp3 128kbs VBR
RESOLUTiON..[ 592x336
A/R.........[ 1.762:1
FPS.........[ 25.000
RUNTiME.....[ 90
LANGUAGE....[ English
SUBS........[ NONE
SiZE........[ 1CD
LiNK: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1082064/
It is the day their new life is supposed
to begin. Nick (29) and Celia (27) want t-
o take off for the US. Where Nick s is fr-
om. And where Nick s friend is already wa-
iting to greet them. Their new life is a -
dream they share. Their relationship is s-
till young, but both of them are hauling -
personal baggage that they want to leave -
behind. For Celia, it is the trauma of a -
miscarriage. he lost her child which wa-
s not Nick s in an accident. For Nick, -
it is his sometimes shady business dealin-
gs, which he has given up for Celia s sake.
No notes here!