Warhammer 40000 Gladius Relics of War Deluxe Edition Update 2 MULTi6
Genre...............: Strategie
Crack...............: 3DM
Update..............: 1.0.3
Sprache.............: Englisch
Untertitel..........: Multi-6 auch Deutsch [DE/EN/SP/RU/FR/CH(ver)]
Groesse.............: 11,26 MB
Getestet auf........: Win7 (SP1) / Win8 / Win8.1 / Win10
Date................: 14.07.2018
[ iNFO ]
Das naechste Update zu Warhammer 40000 Gladius Relics of War ist
veroeffentlicht worden.
* Added warning about friend invites not working if Steam privacy settings
(game details) are set to private.
* General difficulty setting now scales wildlife density.
* Introduction now plays at lowest wildlife density.
* Added hint to difficulty setting.
* Turn timer now goes red when below 11 seconds.
* Minor performance tweaks.
Bug Fixes
* Fixed a multiplayer crash that could occur when creating a new game.
* Fixed Necron chapter 3 causing a crash in multiplayer.
* Fixed Da Jump effect not working properly in multiplayer.
* Fixed first start of the game not being in Steam's language.
* Fixed wrong max height of multiplayer games list.
* Fixed an issue with the recommended tiles for founding cities.
* Fixed being able to give orders as non-host during AI turn in multiplayer.
* Fixed resource rewards not scaling with game pace.
* Fixed Lord of Skulls option becoming disabled after joining a game as non-host
1) Entpacken.
2) Setup ausfuehren. (Tipp: AntiVirus-Programm am besten deaktivieren.)
3) Spielen!
Wichtige INFO:
Es sind ALLE vorherigen Updates enthalten.
Wichtige INFO:
Das Spiel muss als Admin gestartet werden, damit gespeichert wird!
Um die Untertitel zu aendern:
Ihr aendert die Untertitel direkt in den Optionen.
Wichtige INFO zum Crack:
"Crack Only" findet ihr im Spieleordner falls der Crack geloescht wird.