Adobe Creative Suite 6 software delivers a whole new experience for digital media creation, enabling you to work lightning fast and reach audiences wherever they may be. Now, for the first time, CS applications are also available through Adobe Creative Cloud , giving you the flexibility to download and install them at any time. Plus, access additional applications, publishing services, and new products and features as they are released.
Photoshop CS6 Extended
Illustrator CS6
InDesign CS6
Acrobat X Pro
Flash Professional CS6
Flash Builder 4.6 Premium Edition
Dreamweaver CS6
Fireworks CS6
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
After Effects CS6
Adobe Audition CS6
SpeedGrade CS6
Prelude CS6
Encore CS6
Bridge CS6
Media Encoder CS6
Crack instructions:
1 - install with "MasterCollection_CS6_LS4.exe".
2 - disconnect your internet
3- use a serial number
4- at the end, replace amtlib.dll in the directory "C:Program Files (x86)AdobeAdobe Audition CS6" AND "C:ProgramsAdobePhotoshop CS6"
reconnect your internet