The movie tells the interwoven stories of Luke (T.J. Dalrymple) and Ale (Erin Bethea), who marry
right after school and move to India to serve as missionaries for Embrace A Village, a ministry that
cares for those afflicted with leprosy and their families; aspiring financier Catherine (Kate Cobb),
who joins a prestigious financial institution determined to make an impact on corporate America;
Ryder (Matthew Florida), who lands an impressive job in social media and cant wait to use the
powerful medium for a greater good; and Ethan (Shawn-Caulin Young,) seemingly the odd man out, who
struggles to find his God-given-purpose and feels sidelined by God.
Thanks to JOBIWAN for the original DVD Files!
NOTE: I am pleased to announce, PDU - ENCODE is back! In the past most of my encodes were done on my
seedbox, and with recent upgrades i thought i had lost the ability to encode on the new box. However
through a lot of trial and error i am pleased to announce that it is all back up and running and you
will all be seeing more PDU - ENCODE releases from now on! Thanks to everyone for the support!
PDU - Power Driven Uploaders - jake92
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