Zieg Heil
Title: Side Hustle Strategies for Designers
Publisher: Lynda
Size: 519M (543569952 B)
Files: 11F
Date: 09/19/2018
Course #: 721929
Type: Design Business
Published: 9/18/2018
Modified: N/A
URL: www.lynda.com/Design-tutorials/Side-Hustle-Strategies-Designers/721929-2.html
Author: Dustin Lee
Duration: 1h 3m
Skill: Appropriate for all
Unpack that shit, run that shit
Of course we know its sieg heil, thats how fucking rebelious we are!
From selling fonts to making brushes for Photoshop, there are a
number of options for designers looking to generate extra
monthly income. In this course, learn strategies that can help you
build a side hustle and start generating passive income with your
creative skills. As the founder of RetroSupply Co. a leading
provider of historically inspired design
goods instructor Dustin Lee has personal experience turning a side
hustle into a profitable main gig. Here, he shares what he's
learned with you. Throughout the course, Dustin covers
different side hustle models, provides real-world examples of
successful side hustlers, and shares tips to help you get