Another exquisit release
Title: Introduction to Exam Preparation for CISSP Certification
Publisher: Packt
Size: 281M (293756504 B)
Files: 6F
Date: 03/27/2019
Course #: 9781838640279
Type: N/A
Published: Packt Subscription
Modified: N/A
Author: Thor Pedersen
Skill: N/A
Exer/Code: [X]
Unpack that shit, run that shit
Prepare for the 2018 version of the Certified Information
Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Certification Exam, which is
what you will be tested on until the next CISSP curriculum
update in 2021. You obviously need to have the knowledge for the
CISSP certification exam, but it is much more than that. The
CISSP exam is very much an English exam. You need to be able to
spot the keywords (PKI, policy, asymmetric, BCP) as well as the
indicators (first, best, last, least, most). Remember the new
version of the CISSP exam is being used, you will test on the CAT
format, 3 hours 100-150 questions (as of December 18th, 2017). You
need to answer the questions from (ISC) 's point of view, in
their perfect world. Understand and answer every question from a
Manager or a Risk Advisers point of view, NOT from an
executive or as a techie. Most hands-on techies that fail the
CISSP exam do so because they answer from a point of being
reactive, not being proactive.