Zieg Heil
Title: Graphic Design Foundations: Ideas, Concepts, and Form
Publisher: Linkedin.Learning
Size: 563M (590141184 B)
Files: 12F
Date: 10/01/2019
Course #: Linkedin.Learning
Type: N/A
Published: October 1, 2019
Modified: N/A
URL: www.linkedin.com/learning/graphic-design-foundations-ideas-concepts-and-form
Author: Sean Adams
Skill: Beginner + Intermediate
Unpack that shit, run that shit
Of course we know its sieg heil, thats how fucking rebelious we are!
Explore new sources of graphic design inspiration in this course
from instructor Sean Adams on how ideas form and the ways that
concepts propel the design process. Learn how symbols and
metaphors are clear visual shortcuts to strong
communication, both positive and negative. Discover the worlds of
iconography and typography, how these are used in cultural
communication, and how these can inspire your approach to design
techniques. Sean also covers how humor in graphics can impact
audiences, and suggests exploring non-digital media such as
painting, drawing, felting, and more as an avenue to expand your
graphic design skillset.