Raspberry Pi lets you explore electronics, computer, programming, and the Internet
of Things. You can build complex projects on a budget from robots to media servers.
This weekly series helps you create meaningful projects in a short time, and learn
tips and key techniques that will help you across your creations. Each episode teaches
you a coherent set of software and hardware approaches to connect computing power
to the physical world. Join instructor Mark Niemann-Ross every week for a new Raspberry
Pi technique.<br><br>Note: Because this course is an ongoing series, viewers will
NOTE: this release contains also all the pasts updates: the whole corse until now.
This because there are not all the updates pred, and it is a pain to find the
missing ones. Starting by the next release we will just add the "UPDATE".
And also, note the .UPDATE.20191018.BOOKWARE- part, we would like to use this as
a standard. .UPDATE. for updates releases, followed by date in this format
yyyymmdd and BOOKWARE-. Cheers and don't forget to learn!