Learning To Work Quickly And Efficiently In Rhino (c) Digital Tutors
.: I N F O :.
Throughout this Rhino tutorial we'll explore valuable techniques to
working more efficiently in Rhino 5. We'll utilize a combination of
keyboard shortcuts and pop-up menus to work quickly to create a unique
droid design. By the end of this Rhino training, you'll have learned many
new modeling techniques and how to use Rhino in a more efficient manner.
.: M E T A :.
Type .... : Instructional Video
Genre ... : Bookware
Disks ... : 39
URL ..... : http://www.digitaltutors.com/
.: I N S T A L L :.
A) Unpack this release using your favorite RAR unpacker.
B) Load up the tutorial, and expand your knowledge.
C) Sit back, and enjoy!
.: J O I N :.