------------------------------------------------------> LiPSYNC PRESENTS !
TiTLE...: The.Night.James.Brown.Saved.Boston.2008.2009.DOCU.NTSC.MDVDR-LiPSYNC
Year....: 2008
URL.....: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1183486/
Rarz....: 94 x 50 mb
Release.: July 2009
Street..: January 27th 2009
Genre...: Documentary
TECHNiCAL iNFORMATiONZ--------------------------------> Like, OMG, STATS !
Source..: R1
Company.: Shout Factory
Runtime.: 73 Minutes
Audio...: 2.0 English
Video...: 6 pass CCE @ 2,938 Kbs
Aspect..: 16:9
Subz....: None
Extras..: Partial strip
PLOT iNFORMATiONZ-------------------------------------> READ 4 TRAXXX !
On April 4, 1968, the leader of the nonviolent resistance movement, Martin Luther King, Jr., was
assassinated in Memphis. On April 5, 1968, James Brown sang, and the city of Boston didnt burn down.
The Night James Brown Saved Boston tells the story of the pivotal role that James Brown, and that
particular concert, played in the political, social and cultural history of the country, focusing on
1968, a defining year for America. Using actual performance footage and the personal recollections
of James Browns band members, friends like activist Reverend Al Sharpton, personal manager Charles
Bobbitt, Princeton University Professor Dr. Cornel West, Boston citizens, those who attended the
concert, politicians (such as former Boston Mayor Kevin White) and Newsweeks David Gates, The Night
James Brown Saved Boston tells the compelling story of an artist at the absolute peak of his powers
using his artistry for the greater good.
RiPPER NOTEZ------------------------------------------> WE'RE AWESOME, KTHX !
Stripped warnings, and extra: The Boston Premiere Panel discussion. Kept extended interviews
and feature. Felt bitrate with footage used (old, poor transfers) was sufficient to not
strip more interviews.
GROUP NOTEZ-------------------------------------------> CONTACT @ AOL.COM !
Welcome 2 the scene! Our sourcze r spokn for: RAZOR1911 so donut steal them.
U Know who u is. Theefs.
LiPSYNC Currently needs, and will always need: NOTHiNG
Totally rad nfo file by a totally rad guy. ThX homles!