Bob and Betsey's home is filled with broken
furniture, appliances, food, piles of clothes,
mounds of books and toys. An invasion of
fleas and bed bugs has forced them and
their four children into a tent in the
backyard where they have been sleeping
for the last two months. But with the
dropping temperatures and growing fear
of being reported to local authorities,
they must clean out their entire house or
risk losing everything. Retired veterinarian
Richard, "Dr. Dickey," has spent more than
half a million dollars filling his house,
two garages and two storage units with
dozens of collections, including 60,000
beer cans. His compulsions have cost him
his marriage and his lifestyle. He is deeply
in debt and stuck working a low paying temp
job. He now needs to unearth the gold mine
he is sitting on, so he can sell his collections
and get out of debt.
Unscipted Reality TV