p r o u d l y P R E! s e n t s
__________directed by__________
Jon Kroll
| cODEc used x264 r3065 at a resolution of 640x480 px
| using Constant Rate Factor 19 resulted an avg bitrate 1589 Kbps |
| in a .mkv container. followin AUDiO was added:
| Audio 01: German AC3 2.0
| imDB........:
| imDB-rATiNG.: 7.5/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( ) @ 53 votes
| ofDB........:,
| ofDB-rATiNG.: 5.4/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( )( )( ) @ 5 votes
| our runtime of 21min 58s will plot a Sci-Fi Actio as following:
| Bei einer Trainings-Mission der Academy of Galactic Exploration A. G. |
| E. geschieht ein Unfall:
| Ein Hypersprung wirft das Spaceship in einen entlegenen Teil der
| Galaxis. Die Besatzung, die drei unerfahrenen Rekruten Russel Ace
| Autonov (Glenn Herman), Noriko Max Matsuda (Heidi Lucas) und
| Ricardo Sharkey Alvarez (Marc Brandon Daniel), trifft auf eine
| mysterioese Rasse,die Triiad. Deren Roboter-Armada waere eine
| toedliche Bedrohung fuer die Erde.Also heisst es schnellstmoeglich
| zurueck zur Erde und diese warnen.
| imDB........:
| imDB-rATiNG.: -.-/10 ( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( ) @ 00 votes
| Vekara falls under attack from the Triiad forces. The Hypernauts
| manage to keep them at bay until all the people are able to escape.
| The Hypernauts befriend a group of people who represent eight worlds |
| known as the Enclave. Their ship has over 200 people on board. They
| are trapped, like the Hypernauts, in the Sphere of Interception.
| They make plans with the Hypernauts to follow a comet as it passes
| through the barrier of the sphere. The comet would create a hole
| large enough for their ships to pass through.
| As they escape, the Triiade attacks. The Hypernauts are able to
| defeat the attacking scraggers while the other ship passes out of
| the sphere; however, the hole closes too quickly and the Hypernauts
| are forced to return to the Star Ranger.
| no news are good news.
Releasedate: 2022/03/30