CockNBulls Brings to You
Psych S02E09 PROPER DSR XviD
Oh yes its CockNBulls another subsidiary of your favorite
Runtime 41:34
XviD bitrate 1.043 mbps
MP3 bitrate .121 mbps
PROPER Reason - Downsampled audio , cmon upgrade that shit
old version of LAME that you get when installing autoGK you
stupid twats. its 2007 no excuse for that garbage.
Heres a point of advice for the tv scenes favorite clueless
If you feel the need to write a PROPER.Response, odds are you
got validly propered and are just making yourselves look like
the morons most of us know you are. It was cute how they even
pretended that they didnt proper other people with some
overcropped releases. Lying in the face of undisputable
evidence, we refer to that as pulling a George W.
This is the same group that uses multiple cappers and encodes
the second pass based on the length of the show. HAHA and the
worst part is that they actually believe their worthless
shit is better than what the other crap groups do (hint: starts
with a 2 and thank God we have two of them!)
And if consistant quality means 60% of your pres are repacks
or fixes, than please just keep em to yourself.
Change your nfo ... or better yet, head over to the p2p scene
where your shit might actually get some credit.