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,, ./ Inside.Iraq.2009.01.09.PDTV.XviD-DiSSENT ,, .
Air Date....: 09-01-2009
Release Date: 11-09-2009
Category....: TV
Genre.......: Documentary
Source......: DVB-C
Length......: 23 minutes
Languages...: English
Audio.......: 48000Hz 145 kb/s tot
Video.......: XviD 2pass @ 922 kbps
Resolution..: 576x432 1.3333 (4:3) ,| \
Size........: 13x15mb
Link........: http://english.aljazeera.net/ \,,,,
Inside Iraq
Presented by Jasim Al-Azzawi 'Inside Iraq' is a
'/_,,,'' weekly insight into this, one of the most important /_,,,''
and divisive, political issues of our time.
The programme will explore some of the fundamental
issues affecting Iraq and its people.
Iraq's reaction to the Gaza attacks ,,,./
The war on Gaza has rekindled memories of the US
campaign of shock-and-awe on Iraq. ,|
,| Arab nationalists claim there is no difference
between the American and Israeli occupation. Mute
your TV set, they claim, and you will be hard
,, ./ pressed to determine whether the images of death
\,,,,/ and destruction are coming from Baghdad or Gaza.
Ironically, Iraq had led Arab opposition to Israel
in the past, but now Gaza is burning and Baghdad is
There have been protests across Iraq against the
ongoing Israeli military attacks on Gaza, but when
,, ./ it comes to forcing a ceasefire or a strong response |
\,,,,/ to Israel Iraq's government steps back.
Has Iraq abandoned the Palestinians or is it ,| \
| , temporarily bogged down in its own quagmire?
Our guests this week are Zalman Shoval, former
Israeli ambassador to the US; Saad Nagi Jawad, a
professor of political science at Baghdad University
,| \ and Rami Khouri, editor-at-large of the Lebanese ,,,./
newspaper the Daily Star. | ,
,, ./ We're currently looking for:
,` ` - Capper with access to Fox News Channel or CBC.
The "Portrait of Dr. Gachet" /_,,,''
The Battle of Anghiari
Sites to affil.
Greets go out to...
,, ` Contact:
Mike, q=
the headless ]N& none*this*time
Chicken ,pgm00M_
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Content n Quality
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