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,, ./ Inside.Iraq.2009.03.13.PDTV.XviD-DiSSENT ,, .
Air Date....: 13-03-2009
Release Date: 14-03-2009
Category....: TV
Genre.......: Documentary
Source......: DVB-C
Length......: 22 minutes
Languages...: English
Audio.......: 48000Hz 150 kb/s tot
Video.......: XviD 2pass @ 937 kbps
Resolution..: 576x432 1.3333 (4:3) ,| \
Size........: 13x15mb
Link........: http://english.aljazeera.net/ \,,,,
Inside Iraq
Presented by Jasim Al-Azzawi 'Inside Iraq' is a
'/_,,,'' weekly insight into this, one of the most important /_,,,''
and divisive, political issues of our time.
The programme will explore some of the fundamental
issues affecting Iraq and its people.
Reopening Iraq's museum \,,,,/
The looting of Iraq's national museum in 2003 ,|
traumatised the nation.
Priceless artifacts being broken and thrown on its
floor reflected the chaos and anarchy that gripped
,, ./ the country after Saddam Hussein was removed from
\,,,,/ power.
More than 15,000 artifacts and works from its
collections have been stolen since then. Experts
believe many were smuggled out of the country and
,| \ sold abroad.
Critics accuse the US army of gross negligence
,, ./ because its troops did nothing to stop the pillage,
\,,,,/ a reputation made worse when a US tank blasted a
,, ` hole in the wall of the museum.
| , For six years, Iraqi archeologists have worked to
recover around half of the stolen items and use
them to refurbish the museum.
With the museum now open for visitors, many say
,| \ it was done in haste for political purposes to ,,,./
boost prime minister Nouri al-Maliki's image and | ,
demonstrate to the public that life is returning
,, ./ to normal in Iraq.
Whose responsibility is it to ensure the safe
return of Iraq's stolen treasures? Are the
artifacts currently on display safe or was the
museum opened too hastily?
'/_,,,'' Our guests this week are Donny George, visiting /_,,,''
professor of archeology at Stony Brook University
,| / and former director general of Iraq's Museum of
Antiquity and Zainab Al Bahrani, professor of
history and archeology at Columbia University.
,, ./ We're currently looking for:
,` ` - Capper with access to Fox News Channel or CBC.
The "Portrait of Dr. Gachet" /_,,,''
The Battle of Anghiari
Sites to affil.
Greets go out to...
,, ` Contact:
Mike, q=
the headless ]N& none*this*time
Chicken ,pgm00M_
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