iNFO Nam Dienst im Vietnam
Staffel 2 (1987)
RLS.DATE.. Apr/2012 CODECs... XviD 1.2.2/L3.98r
SOURCE.... PAL/DVD9 ViDEOR... 576*432@1:1.333
GENRE..... Drama BiTRATE.. 916kbit/vbr-new 3
RUNTiME... 45 mins SUBS..... none
LANG...... Ger/MP3/2.0
SiZE...... 19* 20MB
.NOTES. Seeing an internal group coming up with quite a
notable count of non-internal releases all out
of a sudden is a bit suspicious, aint it?
Though, no need to run wild on this one. Thats why we
decided to see what the real deal is and pred NAM DVD1
and only DVD 1!
Turns out the only 2 episodes on disc 1 get pred over a
period of more than 3 weeks. One might wonder where the
rest of those episodes is: Right here in our hands since
we, aWake, BOUGHT those dvds.
We dont even want to know where all the others tv pres
came from, but dear filthy crack maggots CRiSP - you
might want to consider buying the shit you pre and you
falsely claim to be yours before all of your perfidious
malicious time on the scene runs out and other groups
find out as well whos been stealing and betraying them
for the money those groups honestly spent on legit
Most groups these days prefer to additionally add proof
pictures in order to show that they didnt steal and
that their pres are of legit and physical origin. Using
the proof pic from our DVD 1 and do some editing to it
is NOT to be considered worth of being called a proof!
Whatever you call it, we call it fake. Fake as in a
certain scene groups group philosophy. What else could
be the reason for CRiSP to not provide ANY pictures at
all with their other retail rips?
As we are aWake instead of asleep, we take back what is
rightfully ours in the familiar quality we are known