Air Date: 16/05/2007
Released: 16/05/2007
Video: 512x384
Frames: 25
Audio: VBR Avg 128
Source: PDTV
Encoding: Xvid
Episode Notes:
Thomas Junta was typical of many Reading men. A life long resident of
the area, Junta was a married truck driver with two young children. A
high school football and hockey player and father of two, Junta placed
a strong emphasis on his kid's participation in sports. Michael Costin's
life wasn't quite as settled as Thomas Junta's.
Costin was a labourer, recovering alcoholic and father of four who had
recently divorced. Despite a life full of personal struggles, by 2000
Costin seemed to have things back on track. He had gained custody of his
children and was becoming the father he knew he needed to be. His
rebirth as a better man would be short lived.