Rls: Intervention.S13E03.REPACK.NFOFIX.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS
Date: 08/24/2012
Channel: ae
Category: Documentary
REPACK REASON: previous release was nuked for glitch.at.29m38s.causing.missing.dialog_out.of.sync.29m38s.to.end_get
I stated as the reason in the repack nfo that this source shouldnt have any more glitches (there for
no missing dialog beacuse that is what a glitch is/does). Let me try this again:
The mkv file of this release Intervention.S13E03.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS was encoded without any
issues untill the point of 29m38s. At this very second there was 5 frames that werent transmitted
from the cable company in the correct method. This improper transmission caused the x264 codec to
"skip" which threw the remaining video out of sync. As a backup, incase of a event like this, i
usually cap the first airing at 9pm and a repeat air at 11pm. The repeat air at 11pm had none of the
aformentioned glitches. This repack should stay in sync and not have any flaws.