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,, ./ Dining.with.Terrorists.Part3.PDTV.XviD-DiSSENT ,, .
Air Date....: 15-02-2009
Release Date: 18-02-2009
Category....: TV
Genre.......: Documentary
Source......: DVB-C
Length......: 23 minutes
Languages...: English
Audio.......: 48000Hz 147 kb/s tot
Video.......: XviD 2pass @ 903 kbps
Resolution..: 576x432 1.3333 (4:3) ,| \
Size........: 13x15mb
Link........: http://english.aljazeera.net/ \,,,,
Dining with Terrorists
Since the events of September 11 the word
'/_,,,'' "terrorism" has acquired a new political dynamic. /_,,,''
,| / Wars are waged and many lives have been lost in the
name of combatting "terror", strict legislation has
been passed to prevent acts of "terrorism".
It is a definition that is highly subjective and ,,,./
what constitutes a "terrorist" depends on where you \,,,,/
live and what you believe in.
In a new six part series the author and journalist
,| Phil Rees travelled to South Asia, the Middle East
and the Americas to explore the debate and meaning
of the word "terrorism".
\,,,,/ America's Backyard
Phil travels to the remote jungle of Colombia and
meets members of one of the world's most elusive
guerrilla groups.
The Farc claim they are trying to overthrow the
Colombian government in order to help the
,, ./ country's poor.
,, ` Their opponents say, however, that they are guilty
of drug trafficking and of kidnapping and ,| \
| , murdering civilians.
In 2001 the US listed the group as a terrorist
,, ./ We're currently looking for:
,` ` - Capper with access to Fox News Channel or CBC.
The "Portrait of Dr. Gachet" /_,,,''
The Battle of Anghiari
Sites to affil.
Greets go out to...
,, ` Contact:
Mike, q=
the headless ]N& none*this*time
Chicken ,pgm00M_
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Content n Quality
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