Air date: 27-09-08 | Frame rate: 25fps
Release date: 29-09-08 | Video codec: x264
| Video bitrate: 3055
Source: dvbt |
| Audio codec: ac3
Files: 47x50M | Audio bitrate: 384
The AFL Grand Final is an annual Australian
rules football match, traditionally held at the
Melbourne Cricket Ground, Australia.
Shouts to all the sceners who attended The
Gathering 2008 and Assembly 2008.
-PiX has no webpage, irc channel, FTP, bit-
torrent, xdcc or similar download location.
-You can reach us atpixilated*lavabit*com
-We are at the moment looking for:
* HD/PDTV cappers for xvid and x264.
* DVD-rippers and Blueray-rippers.
-We are currently looking for HQs in the
following countries:
dk, fi, nl, cz, si and fr. - NO rental/colo!
Razor 1911, Fairlight and all other good
release and demo groups. And a special nod to
the TV groups for your excellent competition!